:p It was surprisingly difficult to find a heart that didn’t feel creepy and intrusive, and didn’t flash wayyy too rapidly.
Yeah I love the angles you chose. It tells the silent story so well! His pose in that first panel! <3 Well, and the second. And all of them. xD but I keep coming back to the first.
I was wondering if it could be read in the wrong order, but then it works both ways and the reader gets a different comedy story with each, which I like.
But yeah, for me (especially as someone who has noooo visual imagination), it’s really impressive how you know exactly where to place the camera and characters to get interesting angles that tell the story clearly and are funny. I think even before the actual rendering, it’s a challenge to work out how to stage something like that 3rd panel “Show him attacking a guy and keep it light and keep it clear who’s who”. I guess the last bit is achieved by keeping him facing the camera in each panel and using the nose as a focal point of the face (if that’s the term)? Sry when I see things I like I’m like “MUST ANALYSE”. :P
Oh also I like his one elegant paw in that panel, going “nope”.
Edit: oh hah I just noticed tiny rufus!