Bone Village

Are the bones in Bone Village explained anywhere? The creature is huge. Was it a WEAPON? Did that planet have its own dinosaur equivalents?


Can Weapons even die, or are they the Planet’s own personal summonses? Are they made of flesh and bone, or spirit energy?


I think they are dinos and I think there are some descendants still living in the lake in the City of the Ancients. Their ancestors were used for the buildings there. I have decided there are also some proto-WEAPONS chilling at the bottom of the lake. In my mind, WEAPONs are not dinos but they are pretty close physically (just with more guns). Plus dinos have a normal lifecycle; a WEAPON is made from the same sort of material but then sleeps for thousands of years. I like to imagine dinosaur and human timelines overlapping in that world, so think the cetra took out most of the dinos, possibly to eat them.

Afaik there’s no canon explanation. It is a world with big dragons so could also go with that, maybe.