I’m inclined to think they just like asymmetry because they think it lends visual interest, given how many other characters they give asymmetrical stuff (I was being flip about Lucrecia-Shalua, but they really do have a similar silhoutte, clothes-wise, and I think those tops are similarly constructed). It’s possible to read some kind of ‘this character is unbalanced’ into it but her costume looks to me like a dowdier version of Yuna’s songstress costume from FFX-2. The games came out around the same time… Maybe they just really liked that costume… (also lol just looked again, I’d forgotten just HOW similar aspects were)
re: colour, hm, interesting, now that I think about it I’ve seen fanart that draws out the Lucrecia/Hojo colour similarities; it would be nice for this to be intentional so I hope you’re right on this. That would make it much better!
I think that purplish is only the SOLDIER uniform, though? I’d say Shinra’s… mainstream… branding tends to be red (certainly the diamond… Hoping not to discover anything that means my running joke that Rufus was named after the company branding falls apart :P).
I hate the frilly thing so much. Haaaaaaate. The only thing I could think was that maybe it was meant to evoke water and… waterfall cave? But then I don’t think Dirge does anything with the waterfall? I never paid much attention to Dirge myself because I just get mad. xD But god there is no rescuing that top.
Re: zigzags, I’m tempted to say that Nomura wanted to put zips in but was somehow prevented. But yeah, in the concept art the skirt does look ‘bound’ (and uncomfortable lol) so you may be right about that, and it would also explain the hair wrap!
I’m inclined to think any similarity with Jenova’s silhouette is coincidental and they just liked draping things off arms for visual interest (thinking of Yuna here, too) but this is another where it would be nice if it were intentional. However since the overall outfit is so stupid (why is she in a crop top) I just can’t see them having given it that much thought. “Man, I’m so depressed… WHAT IF I TEAR UP MY LABCOAT AND TURN IT INTO A SEXY DRESS!!!” ah, we’ve all been there.
Right? They’ve consistently kept this and it looks stupid and it’s just really really odd, so I’m like ‘WHY’. Is it that they thought she had too much hair for a bobble to possibly work? Is it because it matches Vincent’s glove and sabatons?
So I wrote this out of order and remembered the songstress thing toward the end of typing this comment. But it occurs to me. Iirc in the planning for the OG, Lucrecia was described as being the idol of the lab. Did they give her a modified songstress costume because of this?
“Make her an idol but make her a MOM!!”
If so, I wish they’d let her keep Lenne’s boots… ;_;
edit: ew I forgot the stupid anklet