"Simon Hojo"?

Why is this fanon? Did it originate with crimsonsun?

Either way, love the art, but he’ll always be just ‘Hojo’ to me.

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I do sometimes pinch the name ‘Simon’ for Tseng’s perfect older brother, though. (Yeah, I give him a perfect older brother sometimes.)

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Hopefully someone will have a better answer, but fwiw crimsonsun is the first person I associate with that name.

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(This is nothing to do with anything but I just giggled because at the bottom of the page it said: ‘Suggested topics: “Simon Hojo”’ and the quotes made it read like it was dissing him)

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I know it used to be Crim’s preferred first name for him, and I am pretty sure it originated with Crim. In fics where I need a first name for him, I usually use Simon because, why not?